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Hi my name’s Shaun, I was born and live in the UK. I’m thirty-something and I live with my two cats and my girlfriend, I also happen to be left-handed, this inspired me to start this website.


I’ve always found the fact I’m left-handed quite intriguing, from my English lessons in school learning to write with a fountain pen (every left-hander’s worst nightmare, I might add!), to playing sports and having a somewhat advantage in some respects.

I come from a family of prominent right-handers, with the exception of my grandad who’s the only other left-hander in my family.

The idea came about for this website, strangely whilst I was writing some notes out for work. I was using a ballpoint pen and saw all the black ink on the side of my hand and thought; I know this is a common problem for some of us lefties but we just put up with it as such! I began looking at tips for left-handers with regards to writing and a whole bunch of other information and then realised that there’s a distinct lack of quality information out there for us lefties. The information I could find was vague, to say the least.

This is where my idea for Left-Handed Pro was born.

What we are here to do

The sole aim of the site is to be a left-handed hub, encyclopaedia, and community of sorts, where I will provide quality, well-researched articles, reviews, and information on the world of left-handers. We make up about 10% of the world population so we are kinda “unique” and you could say we live in a right-handed world.

My Aim

  • Provide helpful, well-researched, informative articles
  • Unbiased left-handed product reviews (yes, there’s a whole host of products for us lefties)
  • Build a community where other left-handers share information, tips, and advice with each other
  • ONLY left-handed people will write for the blog, otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense would it?

What I won’t do

  • Promote poor quality products or services just to get a commission
  • Mislead or have bias towards anything we review or promote.

If you have any suggestions for topics or you would like to get involved and write for the blog, feel free to contact me here.

All the best 
